Thursday, 30 September 2010

Humanities Holiday

This was my humanities homework.
We were learning about North, South, East, West and More.
We need to make similar to a story.
I started off by my birth country, then we go to anther place like Hollywood, after talking about Hollywood you would go to anther place like London and then I am talking about London and last I've finished it.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

This is what I leant in PSHE. It is about the 6 Thinking Hats. The Yellow Thinking Hat is thinking of a good stuff. The Black Thing Hat is thinking of the bad stuff. The Green Thinking Hat is to be creative. The Blue Thinking Hat is too organize things. The White Thinking Hat is thinking of the logical thing. And The Red Thinking Hat is the emotional. 

I've leant a lot in one class so fast